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"Sparkly unisex unitards, games with prizes, punk rock, freaking out, and other forms of miscellaneous unruliness"- VICE

"Sweet, sexy, sincere"- THE NEW YORKER

"Magically campy, wonderfully honest and filled with lightning bolts of charisma and hysterical moments"-

"Full force all around entertainment" - PMc Magazine

Anna Copa Cabanna is the "Always Entertaining" (TIME OUT) Australian showgirl icon who has played her xylophone, taught Go Go Dancing Masterclasses, and sung the truth around the world. Go Go Artiste, Emcee, Choreographer, and so much more...She is the official spokesperson of the United Nations "Do Nothing" 2020 Campaign,  was the face and twirling body of THE DEBASER on The Pixies "Doolittle Tour", sings in an ACDC cover band, a 20s vaudeville Act, a German Polka Band, and The celebrated Loser's Lounge.

Anna is also the
official go go dancer of the New York Rock and Roll Underground,   (Video and Bio here) regularly hosts Dreamland Roller Disco, Karaoke...and she's a bingo caller!

Anna was recently named one of "10 offbeat artists keeping the old, weird New York alive" by Flavorpill along with Yoko Ono and Bill Cunningham, and "really draws the audience to her" (THE NEW YORKER).


During the New York Covid-19 Lockdown, Anna taught free 1960s Go Go Workouts every week, shimmied on Nicole Atkins' Amazon Music Livestream, and danced in music videos for Dion Lunadon/Kate Clover, Greg Hoy, Icecream Hands (Australia), and The Earls of Satan (UK).

Anna's song about being harassed/misunderstood as a GO GO DANCER was part of an Installation at OCADU Graduate Gallery, Toronto in March 2016 as part of a Show/Thesis about the wrongful incarceration of "Deviant" Women in the 1920s/1930s.

The Anna Copa Cabanna Show (Joe's Pub), her multi-disciplinary homage to television specials of the 1970's, has captured the imagination of punk royalty, celebrities, various magazines, blogs and many a teenage boy. This rock and roll romp was a Sydney Morning Herald "weird and wonderful pick" at the 2018 Sydney Fringe Festival.

An established singer-songwriter in New York City, she reflects on everyday issues with her lil xylophone, voracious voice and fabulous imagination.

The truth-in a sequin leotard.

Anna has collaborated with some of the most exciting and eccentric performers from NYC and beyond including Fred Schneider (B 52s), Ursula 1000, Jeffrey Lewis, James Chance, Joe McGinty, Corn Mo, Kid Congo Powers, Andrew WK, The Pixies, Lenny Kaye, Tommy Ramone, Jonathan Toubin, New Pornographers, Marc Ribot, Delicate Steve, The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players, Flaming Fire, Christian Gibbs, Tim Kuhl, Azar Swan, My Demon Sister, and The Electric Mess

Her special brand of vintage go-go dancing, pretty punk songs and extravagant outfits have been featured at diverse venues including
Joe's Pub, Highline Ballroom, Lincoln Center, The Slipper Room, Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, City Winery, Terminal 5, 54 Below, Grounds for Sculpture, Scope Art Fair, Motherf*cker, Brooklyn Bowl, MassMoca, The Knitting Factory, Le Poisson Rouge, Pianos, Pete's Candy Store, Santos Party House, Cakeshop, Galapagos, and many more.

She is the featured dancer in music videos for Ursula 1000, Marc Ribot, Kid Congo Powers, Smoota, Bombay Rickey, Turn To Crime, Azar Swan, The Electric Mess, and Christian Gibbs, and many more.

"Anna Copa Cabanna's shows are imaginative and relevant. Her songs deal with real life, and are done with a sense of humor and a bit of kitsch. Her act is presented as a send up of a Las Vegas show, featuring singing, dancing and acrobatics. She sings her songs in a devilishly angelic voice, while accompanying herself on a toy xylophone.
There is a lot of affection shown for the traditions of show-biz, as well as plenty of fun and play. We have had the pleasure of doing shows with her and we always have a great time!" -TOMMY RAMONE & CLAUDIA TIENAN

"Not to brag, but I remember being blown away by Anna C. Cabanna and co. when they were performing at smaller venues. It's due time that A.C.C. got the attention: if you've never been, you'll be happy you had the chance to see her 'back when'. Seriously, this is what downtown NY is about. What you need to know: Unusual wit, verve, and raw musicianship filtered through an off-beat and over-exuberant performance ethic. Charming original tunes about Canada and the Naked Cowboy ("Why does he wear underpants?" wonders Anna aloud, while tapping the xylophone). Cute choreography, weird and totally appealing backing acts. And a whole kind of DIY-sexy-risque-Australian-Xanadu aesthetic you could very easily find yourself totally smitten with by the end of the evening's festivities"

"For the first hour of her set I teetered on the edge of the fence about whether Anna Copa Cabanna’s show was inspired by genius, even though she had captivated me, and everyone around me. But when her band met her up on the stage, for a short set to end the show, any doubt I had was erased. The songs rocked, with a nasty edge, and with a quirkiness, that at times made you feel like you might fall over... the music lifted me up over its head, and made me feel like I was flying. And of course every song swelled with Anna’s angry, twisted sense of humor. “This song’s about Hank.. …….I fucking hate Hank”... I know I hate Hank now, and I don’t even know him. And that’s partly because
the music was so inspiring, so convincing, but mostly because Anna has a way of making you take her side, and cheer her on to victory".



"The Anna Copa Cabanna Show, which is kind of like a cabaret, but hilarious or maybe a variety show without the ham-fisted cheese. Anna's very first number was a cover of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" entirely on the xylophone. Xylophone. I was instantly won over. The rest of her hour+ set featured at least eight costume changes, acoustic songs about Australia, a rock revenge song about the owner of an NYC club, a xylophone cover of Born to Run, an interlude by Breedlove - one of her dancers - tree costumes, balloons and a hell of a lot of glitter. I highly recommend going to see the Anna Copa Cabanna show if you get the chance. It's an experience unlike any other".

"She has this Gilda Radner as Nadia Komaneci/the period when Debbie Harry was coked out/Sid Vicious thing happening..." - Schuyler LIVEJOURNAL

Where have all the variety show divas gone? Enter Anna Copa Cabanna. There was a considerable amount of self-aware kitsch in the evening's performances, which at times recalled the talent show scene in Donnie Darko. But hipster irony didn't overshadow the performers' considerable talents. Anna and her friends proved it's possible to put on a sincerely good show, even when dancing to "Xanadu." The evening ended with Anna back in her schoolgirl outfit as she and her dancers cavorted to Adam Ant's "Goody Two Shoes": "Look out or they'll tell you/You're a superstar." It might be too late"

"The Anna Copa Cabanna show..where gold capes run free and you never have to worry about a lack of glitter"- Tracy, fan

"Twice as many costume changes as Madonna with only half the cameltoe"-Hott Deth, axeman for THE CHOKE *

"The comedic, 1970s-inspired variety show (lots of leotards, glitter, headbands and Barry Manilow references) featured Aussie showgirl wannabe Anna Copa Cabanna performing purposefully cheesy dance numbers... and singing two "quite sad songs" that had the hipster audience rolling in the aisles....She sings, she dances, she breaks hearts, she breaks mic stands" - FASHION WIRE DAILY

"the vivacious Anna Copa Cabanna is a performance artist who effortlessly combines the humor of the old world Bowery burlesque with a modern wit that is unique in it's charm and presentation. One moment singing hilarious odes to her adopted NYC home whilst tinkling on her signature xylophone, the next leaping and snarling across the stage fronting her very own punk rock band. She is self deprecating and energetic in performance,
improvising a type of magic that is fun to watch and rare in it's intelligence" -Dave Allen, artist, band manager, New Yorker. *

"The outrageous Aussie, Anna Copa Cabanna, accompanied herself on xylophone and grooved along with a speak and spell...only in New York!" - Lauralandblong

Current Location

New York, NY

Photo by Bettina May

Photo by Veronica Ibarra

Photo by Vlad Borimsky

Photo by Luke Ratray

Photo by Ramon Martinez

© 2017 by Anna Copa Cabanna. Proudly created with

Inspiration of the week!
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